The consumer price index in January was mainly influenced by food

Posted on 7 February 2014, 10:00

According to Statistics Estonia, in January 2014 compared to December 2013, the change of the consumer price index was 0.4%, and 1.1% when compared to January of the previous year.

Goods were 1.4% and services 0.5% more expensive compared to January 2013.

Regulated prices of goods and services have risen by 0.5% and non-regulated prices by 1.3% compared to January of the previous year.

Compared to January 2013, the consumer price index was mainly influenced by a 3.2%-increase in food prices, which accounted for two-thirds of the total index rise. One-third of this, in turn, came from dairy products, which were 5.9% more expensive than the year before, and one-fifth from vegetables, which were 7.4% more expensive. 70% of the index rise caused by food was evened out by the continuous fall in the prices of communications services. Alcoholic beverages and tobacco, which have become, respectively, 4.6% and 6.7% more expensive, also had a bigger impact on the index. In January 2014, motor fuel was 3.1% cheaper than a year before. Compared to January 2013, of food products, the price of fish has increased the most and the prices of coffee and sugar have decreased the most, 18% and 15%, respectively.

In January compared to December, the consumer price index was mainly influenced by food with a 1.8% price rise, and the widespread discount sales of clothing and footwear. The increase in the price of alcoholic beverages by 3.4%, which was caused by the end of December discounts and the implementation of new rates of excise duty also had a bigger impact on the index.

The previous time that the change in the consumer price index remained under 1.1% was in December 2010 when it was -0.1%.

Due to continuous changes in consumption patterns and prices, Statistics Estonia updates the weights system of the consumer price index and the representative goods every year. In 2014, the weights system of the consumer price index corresponds to the average expenditure structure of the population in 2013. The base prices used for calculations are December prices of the year 2013. To ensure the comparability with the previous periods, the consumer price index is continued to be published on the base 1997 = 100. The linking month is December 2013.

The table presents the expenditure structure (weights) used in 2013, as well as the expenditure structure used since the index of January 2014.

Consumer price index by commodity groups, January 2014
Commodity group Weight 2013,
Weight 2014,
December 2013 –
January 2014, %
January 2013 –
January 2014, %
TOTAL 1000,0 1000,0 0,4 1,1
Food and non-alcoholic beverages 237,4 238,4 1,8 2,5
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco 81,0 81,5 2,5 5,1
Clothing and footwear 48,7 47,8 -5,5 1,3
Housing 169,9 178,4 0,2 0,4
Household goods 51,3 49,7 0,1 0,8
Health 38,8 40,0 0,8 6,7
Transport 150,6 142,6 -0,8 -1,6
Communications 48,8 46,5 -0,3 -10,2
Recreation and culture 76,2 77,8 0,0 3,4
Education 15,5 14,5 1,1 -14,7
Hotels, cafés and restaurants 31,9 33,4 -0,1 5,6
Miscellaneous goods and services 49,9 49,4 0,7 3,0