August was successful for accommodation establishments

Posted on 10 October 2013, 11:00

According to Statistics Estonia, in August 2013, 385,600 foreign and domestic tourists stayed in accommodation establishments, which was 12% more than in the same month of the previous year. The number of domestic tourists as well as foreign tourists increased.

In August, 249,100 foreign tourists used the services of accommodation establishments and compared to August 2012 the number of foreign tourists increased by 11%. More tourists arrived from the neighbouring countries Latvia, Finland and Russia (32%, 19% and 12%, respectively). More tourists than in August last year also arrived from Lithuania, Poland, Sweden, United Kingdom and Ukraine. Fewer tourists from Germany and from several other European countries stayed in the accommodation establishments of Estonia than in August a year ago.  However, Asian tourists’ interest in Estonia has increased in recent years. 44% more tourists from Asian countries stayed in accommodation establishments than in August 2012. 66% of accommodated foreign tourists stayed in the accommodation establishments of Tallinn, 17% in Western Estonia, 9% in Southern Estonia and 8% in Central Estonia, North-Eastern Estonia and Harju county. Most of the foreign tourists came to Estonia for a holiday trip, one fifth had another reason for visiting Estonia.

In August, 136,400 domestic tourists stayed in accommodation establishments, which is 15% more than in the same month of the previous year. About two thirds of the accommodated domestic tourists were on a holiday trip and 23% on a business trip. Compared to July, the share of business trips increased and the share of holiday trips decreased. 60% of the domestic tourists stayed in the accommodation establishments of Western and Southern Estonia and one fifth stayed in Northern Estonia. The accommodation establishments located in North-Eastern and Central Estonia were used less.

In August, 1,182 accommodation establishments offered services for tourists. 21,400 rooms and 50,300 beds were available for tourists. The room occupancy rate was 56% and the bed occupancy rate was 47%. In Tallinn, the room occupancy rate and the bed occupancy rate were higher than Estonia’s average.

The average cost of a guest night was 32 euros, which is two euros more than in August of the previous year. The average cost of a guest night was 39 euros in Tallinn.

Accommodation by region, August 2013
Accommodation Total Northern
Accommodation establishments 1 182 198 64 113 443 364
Rooms 21 355 8 364 1 315 1 490 6 042 4 144
Beds 50 296 17 910 2 840 3 777 14 972 10 797
Room occupancy rate, % 56 73 52 36 47 42
Bed occupancy rate, % 47 64 48 34 39 34
Tourists accommodated 385 579 198 910 20 508 20 343 83 032 62 786
Nights spent 731 844 354 169 42 053 39 888 181 727 114 007
residents of Estonia 239 023 47 368 20 749 26 997 70 914 72 995
foreign visitors 492 821 306 801 21 304 12 891 110 813 41 012
Average cost of a guest night, euros 32 38 24 23 29 22