The yield of cereals is very high this year

Posted on 26 September 2012, 11:00
According to Statistics Estonia, by 15 September, 80% of the sown area of cereals, 41% of the sown area of rape and turnip rape, and 44% of the area under potatoes had been harvested in Estonia.

Compared to the previous year, harvesting has been postponed considerably this year, but the yield per hectare of cereals, rape and turnip rape is significantly bigger than last year.

According to preliminary data, in Estonia, in 2012 cereals were grown on 309,400 hectares, of which 80% has been harvested for grain. One hectare of the harvested area gave on average 3,743 kilograms of cereals, of which 3,610 kilograms of rye, 4,272 kilograms of wheat, 3,384 kilograms of barley and 2,927 kilograms of oats. Only in 2007 during the last thirty years the average yield of cereals has exceeded the limit of three thousand kilograms per hectare. A part of cereals sown for grain will be harvested for green fodder.

Rape and turnip rape were grown on 86,700 hectares. When most of winter rape and turnip rape have been harvested, then of spring rape and turnip rape only a fifth have been harvested. One hectare of the harvested area gave on average 2,288 kilograms of rape and turnip rape seeds.

Potatoes were grown on 9,200 hectares, of which 44% has been harvested. One hectare of the harvested area gave on average 20,321 kilograms of potatoes.

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