In Mai more tourists stayed in accommodation establishments than in the last year

Posted on 10 July 2012, 11:00

According to Statistics Estonia, in May 2012, 248,000 tourists stayed in the accommodation establishments of Estonia, which was 4% more than in the same period of the previous year.

179,000 foreign tourists used the services of accommodation establishments, which was 5% more than in the previous year and more than any of the previous years in May. Compared to May of the previous year, more tourists came from Russia, Latvia, Lithuania and Germany. The number of tourists from Finland decreased 3%. The neighbouring countries are continuously the largest tourism partner countries of Estonia, from these countries over 60% of foreign tourists used the services of accommodation establishments of Estonia.

Tallinn was a popular destination among foreign tourists. More than 70% of accommodated foreign tourists stayed in the accommodation establishments of the capital. 7% and 6% of foreign tourists used the services of accommodation establishments of Pärnu and Tartu, respectively. The share of foreign tourists among the clients of accommodation establishments stayed on the level of May of the previous year in Pärnu and increased by one percentage point in Tartu. 3% of foreign tourists stayed in accommodation establishments of Ida-Viru and Saare counties each. The majority of tourists in Ida-Viru county came from Russia, but in Saare county most of tourists came from Finland.

In May, 69,000 domestic tourists or 2% more than in May of the previous year used the services of accommodation establishments. Unlike of the foreign tourists, the number of domestic tourists having used the services of accommodation establishments did not exceed the records of May in the last decade.

930 accommodation establishments offered services for tourists. 18,600 rooms and 42,100 bed-places were available for tourists. The room occupancy rate was 47% and the bed occupancy rate 37%.

In May the average cost of a guest night in an accommodation establishment was 33 euros – 3 euros more expensive than in the same period of the previous year. The average cost of a guest night in Tallinn was higher than the national average – 41 euros, elsewhere in Estonia the cost of a night was cheaper. The average cost of a guest night was 28 euros in Ida-Viru county, 27 euros in Pärnu city, 26 euros in Saare county and in Tartu city.

Accommodation by regions, May 2012
Accommodation Total Northern Estonia North-eastern Estonia Central Estonia Western Estonia Southern Estonia
Accommodation establishments 930 176 56 90 301 307
Rooms 18 618 8 091 1 170 1 194 4 606 3 557
Beds 42 056 17 015 2 427 3 094 10 657 8 863
Room occupancy rate, % 47 63 40 25 35 33
Bed occupancy rate, % 37 52 35 20 29 24
Tourists accommodated 248 099 152 530 12 511 10 047 37 842 35 169
Nights spent 478 508 272 855 25 966 19 230 94 768 65 689
residents of Estonia 121 680 31 488 12 717 11 723 29 045 36 707
foreign visitors 356 828 241 367 13 249 7 507 65 723 28 982
Average cost of a guest night, euros 33 39 28 25 26 24