In the 1st quarter unemployment increased among men

Posted on 15 May 2012, 11:00

According to Statistics Estonia, in the 1st quarter of 2012, the unemployed persons numbered 79,600 and the unemployment rate was 11.5%. During the two last quarters the unemployment has slightly increased due to the growth of unemployment among men.

According to the data of the Labour Force Survey, the estimated number of unemployed persons did not change significantly in the 1st quarter, as the unemployed persons numbered 79,000 in the 4th quarter. The unemployment rate was slightly bigger compared to the previous quarter, but remarkably smaller compared to the same quarter of the previous year (then the unemployment rate was 11.4% and 14.4%, respectively.)

During the last two quarters the growth in unemployment has been influenced by the increase of unemployment among men. Among women the unemployment continued to decrease. The unemployment rate of men was 12.9% and that of women 10% in the 1st quarter.

Unemployment rate by gender, 1st quarter 2008 – 1st quarter 2012

Unemployment rate by gender, 1st quarter 2008 – 1st quarter 2012

The unemployed who had been looking for a job for one year or more (long-term unemployed) numbered 47,000 in the 1st quarter, of whom 26,000 had been looking for a job for two years or more (very long-term unemployed). The share of long-term unemployed among the unemployed was 59%, same as in the previous quarter.

In the 1st quarter, the estimated number of employed persons was 614,300, in the 4th quarter of the previous year 614,500. Compared to the previous quarter, the number of employed persons decreased in manufacturing and construction, which caused the growth of unemployment among men. At the same time in services sector, where the share of women is bigger, the employment increased. In the 1st quarter this year compared to the same quarter of the previous year, the employment increased by 23,000 or 3.9%.

The economic activity of population increased at the beginning of the year. The economically inactive persons (students, retired persons, homemakers, discouraged persons, etc.) aged 15–74 numbered 330,000 in the 1st quarter, which is by 6,000 less compared to the previous quarter and by 9,000 less than in the 1st quarter a year ago. Among inactive persons, the number of persons inactive due to studies has decreased most, because the number of young people in studying age is decreasing.

The unemployment rate is the share of the unemployed in the labour force (the sum of employed and unemployed persons). The estimates are based on the data of the Labour Force Survey. Statistics Estonia has been conducting the Labour Force Survey since 1995 and every quarter 5,000 persons participate in it. The Labour Force Survey is carried out by statistical organisations in all the European Union Member States on the basis of harmonised methodology.