In April, the monthly change in the consumer price index was mainly influenced by food and motor fuel

Posted on 8 May 2012, 11:00

According to Statistics Estonia, the change of the consumer price index was 0.3% in April 2012 compared to March and 4.0% compared to April of the previous year.

Goods were 3.0% and services 5.9% more expensive compared to April 2011.

Regulated prices of goods and services have risen by 10.9% and non-regulated prices by 1.7% compared to April of the previous year.

Compared to April 2011, the index was mainly influenced by housing expenditures which gave almost a half of the total increase. Of which in turn nearly 80% gave 14% more expensive electricity, heat energy and fuels. 13.7% more expensive motor fuel gave nearly a fifth of the total increase. Compared to April of the previous year, of food products, the prices of eggs (45%) and smoked and salted fish (14%) have increased the most. In April 2012, potatoes were 62% and fresh vegetables 20% cheaper than a year earlier.

In April the price of eggs reached the highest level of the past years. Looking back at the last five years, the previous peak was in March 2008. After that the prices decreased, then slightly increased in the middle of 2010, then decreased again and remained on a relatively low level with small rises and falls until the beginning of 2012, when a fast price increase began. Compared to the previous peak in March 2008, eggs were 12% more expensive in April 2012.

In April compared to March, the consumer price index was mainly influenced by the price increase of food and motor fuel, which each gave more than a third of the total increase. The food index was mainly influenced by the 22.6% price increase of eggs, 3.9% price decrease of vegetables and 1.5% price increase of meat and meat products. Motor fuel was 1.8% more expensive than in the previous month. The bigger changes occurred also in the price of paprika (down 28%) and carrots (up 18%).

Change of the consumer price index by commodity groups, April 2012
Commodity group      April 2011 –
April 2012, %
March 2012 –
April 2012, %
TOTAL 4.0 0.3
Food and non-alcoholic beverages 1.4 0.4
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco 6.6 0.4
Clothing and footwear 4.6 0.1
Housing 10.7 0.3
Household goods 2.9 0.1
Health -0.5 0.1
Transport 5.6 0.4
Communications -8.1 -0.2
Recreation and culture 1.5 -0.3
Education 5.9 0.0
Hotels, cafés and restaurants 6.1 1.0
Miscellaneous goods and services 3.6 1.0