In February imports of goods increased by a quarter compared to the previous year

Posted on 11 April 2012, 11:00

According to Statistics Estonia, in February 2012, exports of goods grew by 16% and imports by 25% at current prices compared to February of the previous year. The growth in imports was mostly influenced by the increase in the arrivals of mineral fuels and transport equipment.

In February 2012, exports from Estonia amounted to 0.97 billion euros and imports to Estonia to 1.11 billion euros at current prices. The foreign trade deficit increased nearly three times. The trade deficit was registered as 138 million euros, compared to 51 million euros in February 2011.

In Estonia’s exports in February, the biggest share was held by machinery and equipment (28% of Estonia’s total exports), followed by mineral products (incl. petrol, shale oils and electricity (20%) and metals and products thereof (8%). In February 2012 compared to February 2011, the turnover of exports increased in all main commodity sections. The biggest increase was mentioned in the dispatches of mineral products and machinery and equipment (the growth rate 32% and 10%, respectively).

In February the biggest share of Estonia’s imports was held by machinery and equipment (23% of Estonia’s total imports), followed by mineral products (20%) and transport equipment (9%). Also, the turnover of imports increased in all main commodity sections compared to February 2011. Estonia’s total imports were mostly influenced by an increase in the arrivals of mineral products and transport equipment (the growth rate 31% and 56%, respectively).

The top destination countries of Estonia’s exports were Sweden (17% of Estonia’s total exports), followed by Finland (14%) and Russia (10%). Estonia’s total exports were mostly influenced by an increase in the dispatches to Nigeria and USA compared to February 2011 (mainly light and fuel oils). Commodities of electrical equipment were the main commodities exported to Sweden and Finland, while mechanical equipment was the main commodity exported to Russia.

The main countries of consignment were Finland and Germany (both 14% of Estonia’s total imports), and Latvia (10%). In February, arrivals of goods from Finland and Germany increased the most (the growth rate 47% and 58%, respectively). Arrivals of goods from Russia decreased by 29%, mainly influenced by the decrease in the arrivals of fuels. Fuels were the main commodities imported from Finland and Latvia. Goods registered under the chapter of industrial plant were the most common commodity imported from Germany.

In February 2012 compared to January 2012, exports increased by 3% and imports by 10%. According to the data of Eurostat, the economic sentiment indicator, which reflects Estonia’s entrepreneurs’ and consumers’ confidence, also increased in February compared to January. In Estonia, as well as in Sweden, the same indicator improved also in March, but in Finland the respective indicator declined.

Estonia’s trade by months, 2009–2012

Diagram: Estonia’s trade by months, 2009–2012

Main foreign trade partners of Estonia, February 2012
Country of destination,
group of countries
million euros
Change compared to
same month of
previous year,
Country of consignment,
group of countries
million euros
Change compared to
same month of
previous year,
Total 973.8 100 16 Total 1 111.7 100 25
EU 27 614.4 63 10 EU 27 901.8 81 34
EA 17 263.2 27 4 EA 17 429.4 39 42
CIS 118.3 12 14 CIS 111.9 10 -13
1. Sweden 169.7 17 15 1. Finland 156.7 14 47
2. Finland 138.4 14 13 2. Germany 151.1 14 58
3. Russia 95.8 10 16 3. Latvia 108.5 10 35
4. USA 81.2 8 59 4. Lithuania 103.2 9 55
5. Latvia 69.7 7 36 5. Sweden 101 9 -1
6. Germany 46.3 5 20 6. Poland 80.2 7 33
7. Lithuania 43.8 4 13 7. Russia 68.6 6 -29
8. Nigeria 34.4 4 - 8. China 38.2 3 4
9. Morocco 27.9 3 - 9. United Kingdom 34.9 3 10
10. Norway 26.8 3 19 10. Netherlands 29.9 3 -8


Exports and imports by commodity sections, February 2012
Commodity section by Combined Nomenclature (CN) Exports Imports Balance,
million euros
change compared to
same month of
previous year, %
change compared to
same month of
previous year, %
TOTAL 973.8 100 16 1 111.7 100 25 -137.9
Agricultural products and food preparations (I–IV) 69.1 7 3 92.5 8 4 -23.4
Mineral products (V) 191.5 20 32 223.0 20 31 -31.5
Raw materials and products of chemical industry (VI) 40.3 4 30 79.7 7 27 -39.4
Articles of plastics and rubber (VII) 27.1 3 12 50.1 5 5 -23
Wood and products thereof (IX) 70.8 7 6 25.2 2 9 45.6
Paper and articles thereof (X) 25.7 3 12 18.1 2 9 7.6
Textiles and products thereof (XI) 30.9 3 8 46.3 4 10 -15.4
Metals and products thereof (XV) 77.5 8 22 90.2 8 3 -12.7
Machinery and equipment (XVI) 272.2 28 10 250.2 23 10 22
Transport equipment (XVII) 45.3 5 12 94.6 9 56 -49.3
Miscellaneous manufactured articles (XX) 61.6 6 12 20.6 2 29 41
Other 61.8 6 31 121.2 10 170 -59.4