The Population and Housing Census has ended

Posted on 1 April 2012, 11:00

The 11th Population and Housing Census in Estonia ended at midnight on 31 March. The preliminary results will be published by 31 May the latest. The next census will be conducted in Estonia in 2021.

“Statistics Estonia is deeply grateful to all the residents of Estonia that participated in the 2011 Population and Housing Census. This huge national project would not have been successful without their contribution,” said Mr Priit Potisepp, Director General of Statistics Estonia.

Starting Monday, the people who have not been visited by an enumerator can contact Statistics Estonia (by phone +372 625 9100) or submit their details (name, personal identification code, address) on the census website at “This helps us to assess the quality of the census. And, if the person is a permanent resident, we will include him or her in the population count of Estonia,” added Potisepp.

Priit Potisepp emphasised that the data collection stage ended with March and extensive data processing will now begin, to review and revise the collected data. After that, the publication of census results will begin.

Publication of census results:

  • The preliminary results of the census (population size, the share of men and women in the population) will be published by 31 May 2012 the latest.
  • The revised population size and the distribution of population between counties will be published in December 2012.
  • The publication schedule for 2013–2014 will be published on 1 October 2012.

The number published on the census website indicates the number of Personal Questionnaires completed on the permanent residents of Estonia, and this is not the population size. The data will be revised during the data processing after the census and each person will only be counted once, based on the place of usual residence specified in the census. The statistics by county can be viewed at

The 11th population census in Estonia was conducted from 31 December 2011 until 31 March 2012. Previous censuses were carried out in 1881, 1897, 1922, 1934, 1941, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 and 2000. The next population census will be conducted in Estonia in 2021.

N.B. A press conference will be held on Monday, 2 April, to sum up the data collection for PHC 2011. To attend, please register by email at press [at] or by phone at +372 625 9155. The press conference takes place at 11:00 on 2 April at the Ministry of Finance (Suur-Ameerika 1, Tallinn).