Enumerators start home visits

Posted on 20 February 2012, 10:00

Today, on 20 February, enumerators start visiting those people who did not complete the census online. Households that did not participate in the e-census can expect an enumerator’s visit between now and the end of March.

“The enumerators’ job is to interview all those people whose questionnaire was not completed in the e-census or whose questionnaire was left incomplete,” said Mr Priit Potisepp, Director General of Statistics Estonia.

The enumerators will visit all the households that did not complete all or any of the questionnaires in the e-census. “Each enumerator has to make sure that all the people and dwellings in his or her enumeration area get enumerated. This means that the enumerator must also find those places that are not dwellings according to registers, but where people do live.”

The enumerators will visit households in the period of 20 February to 31 March. The enumerators’ working hours are 09:00 to 21:00 daily, but the interview can take place earlier or later than that, subject to agreement with the residents. “If a person is not at home, the enumerator will leave a note in the mailbox with their contact details. If you get a note, please contact the enumerator to agree on a time for the enumeration interview,” said Potisepp.

All the enumerators will have an employment certificate issued by Statistics Estonia (bearing the enumerator’s photo), a scarf with the census logo and a blue suitcase (N.B. See the attached picture of an enumerator or visit http://goo.gl/Y5hVA). 

The 2011 Population and Housing Census is conducted from 31 December 2011 until 31 March 2012. For more information about the census, please visit www.REL2011.ee.