In July more tourists stayed in accommodation establishments than a year ago

Posted on 9 September 2011, 11:00

According to Statistics Estonia, in July 2011, 397,000 tourists stayed in accommodation establishments and the number of both domestic and foreign tourists increased by 11% compared to July of the previous year.

In July, 271,000 foreign tourists stayed in accommodation establishments. Foreign tourists spent a total of 576,000 nights in accommodation establishments, or 14% more than a year earlier. As the number of overnight stays increased by more than the number of tourists, in July foreign tourists stayed in Estonia longer than a year earlier. 82% of foreign tourists were on holiday and 13% on a business trip. Compared to July last year, the number of foreign tourists increased more than the average in Northern, North-Eastern and Southern Estonia. The most popular destinations were continually Tallinn and Western Estonia, where respectively three quarters and 23% of foreign tourists stayed, who used the services of accommodation establishments.

126,000 domestic tourists stayed in accommodation establishments. Despite the 11% increase in the number of domestic tourists compared to July of the previous year, less domestic tourists stayed in accommodation establishments compared to the same month of 2007 and 2008. Two third of domestic tourists were on holiday and 19% on a business trip. A third of the domestic tourists preferred accommodation establishments of Western Estonia and 28% of Southern Estonia. Only 12% of domestic tourists stayed in accommodation establishments of Tallinn, which is normal, because the share of domestic tourists in accommodation establishments of Tallinn falls significantly in the summer months.

In July, 1,087 accommodation establishments offered services for tourists. 20,900 rooms and 48,000 beds were available for tourists. The room occupancy rate was 62% and the bed occupancy rate 55%. The room occupancy rate was considerably higher than the average in the accommodation establishments of Tallinn and Pärnu.

The average cost of a guest night in an accommodation establishment was 28 euros being 2 euros more expensive than in July 2010.

Accommodation by regions, July 2011
Accommodation Total Northern
Accommodation establishments 1 087 202 61 105 394 325
Rooms 20 871 8 381 1 264 1 293 5 842 4 091
Beds 47 960 17 724 2 877 3 270 14 211 9 878
Room occupancy rate, % 62 78 51 37 61 44
Bed occupancy rate, % 55 72 50 33 54 35
Tourists accommodated 397 394 203 054 17 410 16 805 105 763 54 362
Nights spent 819 552 394 880 44 284 33 519 238 946 107 923
residents of Estonia 243 470 45 591 25 545 24 933 77 489 69 912
foreign visitors 576 082 349 289 18 739 8 586 161 457 38 011
Average cost of a guest night, euros 28 32 23 19 28 21