Statistical Yearbook describes the life of Estonia in figures

Posted on 29 July 2011, 11:00

Statistics Estonia presents today, on 29 July, the publication “Eesti statistika aastaraamat. 2011. Statistical Yearbook of Estonia“, which gives an overview of the life in Estonia last year in comparison with earlier years and other European Union countries.

The Yearbook integrates the annual overviews of environment, population, social and economic fields into one volume, whereas at the presentation Statistics Estonia focuses on two subjects.

The economic crisis caused a decline in people’s incomes. At the same time, prices started to increase in 2010. Therefore, a change in the household living niveau over the last decade and changes in the consumer price index in Estonia and the Baltic Republics are in the centre of interest at this year’s presentation of the Yearbook.

“Population’s quality of life and the change thereof can be measured by observing households’ own assessments of their economic situation compared to the time a year ago,” explained Ms Piret Tikva, Head of Social Surveys Service, who is going to give an overview of households’ living niveau at the presentation. Ms Tikva noted that, during 2004–2007 i.e. the years preceding the last economic crisis, households’ assessments of their economic situation became better year by year, and in 2007, 26% of households regarded their economic situation to be better than a year ago. But in 2010, such households accounted for 7% only. She also added that, at the same time, the proportion of those who were of the opinion that their economic situation had turned worse rather was considerably bigger compared to the period 2004–2007. “In 2007 such households accounted for 12%, but in 2010 already 46%,” clarified Ms Tikva.

At the presentation, Ms Viktoria Trasanov, Head of Price and Wages Statistics Department, is going to give an overview of the changes in consumer price index in the Baltic Republics. “During the last half a year, the fastest price increase in the Baltic Republics was recorded in Latvia,” marked Ms Trasanov and continued by specifying that, in June 2011 compared to December of the previous year, the change in consumer price index was 4.1% in Latvia, 3.2% in Lithuania and 2.2% in Estonia. According to Ms Trasanov, the prices of food and non-alcoholic beverages have attracted the greatest attention lately while talking about the change in consumer price index. During the referred period, the prices of food and non-alcoholic beverages increased the most in Lithuania and Latvia (6.6% and 6.3%, respectively). In Estonia the price rise of food and alcoholic beverages was 4.3%. “In Latvia and Lithuania, besides food, the biggest price rises were registered in transport and housing. But in Estonia, the prices of hotels, cafés and restaurants as well as alcoholic beverages and tobacco increased the most,” she explained.

The presentation of the Yearbook to journalists will take place on 29 July, at 13.00, in the Information Centre of Statistics Estonia (15 Endla St, ground floor).