In July more tourists in accommodation establishments than a year ago

Posted on 10 September 2010, 11:00
According to Statistics Estonia, in July 357,000 tourists stayed in accommodation establishments of Estonia, which was 11% more than at the same time in the previous year.

In July, 35,000 tourists more than in the same month of the previous year used the services of accommodation establishments of Estonia. 24,000 foreign tourists and 11,000 domestic tourists more stayed in accommodation establishments. Foreign tourists continue to account for slightly more than two thirds of the total number of tourists. In July, 244,000 foreign tourists used the services of accommodation establishments, of which 57% came from Finland, 7% from Germany, and 5% from Russia. Foreign tourists mainly prefer accommodation establishments of Tallinn (65% of accommodated foreign tourists), Pärnu city (14%), Tartu city (4%) and Saare county (6%).

Also, residents of Estonia used the services of accommodation establishments in July more than a year ago. In July 113,000 domestic tourists used the services of accommodation establishments, which was 11% more than in July of the previous year. Favourite destinations of domestic tourists were Pärnu and Pärnu county (16% of accommodated domestic tourists), but tourists also like to stay in accommodation establishments of Ida-Viru county (12%), Tallinn (11%) and Saare county (10%).

In July, 1,033 accommodation establishments with 20,200 rooms and 46,300 beds were available for tourists. The room occupancy rate was 56%, which was the highest in recent years. Unusually hot and sunny summer also favoured travelling. It was most difficult to find a vacant hotel bed place in Pärnu (the bed occupancy rate was 89%) and in Tallinn (72%).

The average cost of a guest night in an accommodation establishment was 413 kroons (26 euros), which was 5% cheaper compared to July of the previous year. For the first time the average cost of a guest night was the highest in Pärnu — 550 kroons (35 euros). Compared to July of the previous year, the average cost of a guest night increased there 12%. In the capital city the average cost of a guest night was 462 kroons (30 euros), which is 8% cheaper than in July 2009.

Accommodation by regions, July 2010
Accommodation Total Northern
Accommodation establishments 1 033 182 60 97 380 314
Rooms 20 229 8 072 1 481 1 223 5 711 3 742
Beds 46 342 16 796 3 345 3 045 13 759 9 397
Room occupancy rate, % 56 67 39 32 61 40
Bed occupancy rate, % 50 62 40 28 53 35
Tourists accommodated 357 468 178 127 18 239 13 934 96 701 50 467
Nights spent 722 015 324 911 41 466 26 815 227 099 101 724
residents of Estonia 219 946 34 090 27 704 19 223 71 232 67 697
foreign visitors 502 069 290 821 13 762 7 592 155 867 34 027
Average cost of a guest night, kroons (euros) 413 (26) 450 (29) 349 (22) 281 (18) 439 (28) 294 (19)

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