In May the number of tourists in accommodation establishments increased

Posted on 9 July 2010, 11:00

According to Statistics Estonia, in May 2010, 213,000 foreign and domestic tourists stayed in accommodation establishments, which was 11% more than in the same period of the previous year.

In May, the services of accommodation establishments were used by 152,000 foreign and 62,000 domestic tourists, whose numbers increased 13% and 7%, respectively, compared to May of the previous year. 70% of accommodated foreign tourists arrived in Estonia for holidays, about a fifth was on a business trip and the rest had some other reason for visiting Estonia. The purpose of the trip for about 5,000 foreign tourists, who used the services of accommodation establishments, was participation in a conference, training or congress. The most popular destination among foreign tourists was Tallinn. In the accommodation establishments of Tallinn, the number of tourists from Finland, Russia, Germany and Latvia increased compared to May of the previous year. The number of tourists from Sweden and Norway decreased compared to May of the previous year. The largest share of conference tourists (72%), who used the services of accommodation establishments, stayed in Tallinn.

Unlike the two previous years, the number of domestic tourists also increased in May of this year. Compared to the same period of the previous year, about 4,000 domestic tourists more used the services of accommodation establishments. A fifth of accommodated domestic tourists stayed in the accommodation establishments of Tallinn and their number increased by 21% compared to May of the previous year.

In May, 888 accommodation establishments with 18,000 rooms and 40,000 beds were available for tourists. The room occupancy rate was 42%. The average cost of a guest night in an accommodation establishment was 433 kroons (28 euros) and it was 10% cheaper compared to May of the previous year. In an accommodation establishment of Tallinn, the average cost of a guest night was 503 kroons (32 euros) and it was 15% cheaper compared to May of the previous year.

Accommodation by regions, May 2010
Accommodation Total Northern Estonia North-eastern Estonia Central Estonia Western Estonia Southern Estonia
Accommodation establishments 888 172 53 83 283 297
Rooms 18 119 7 897 1 056 1 000 4 609 3 557
Beds 40 356 16 401 2 191 2 459 10 583 8 722
Room occupancy rate, % 42 52 30 23 41 29
Bed occupancy rate, % 32 42 28 19 31 20
Tourists accommodated 213 252 124 877 9 987 8 623 39 365 30 400
Nights spent 403 696 214 199 19 284 14 257 102 837 53 119
residents of Estonia 102 075 24 311 11 477 9 386 26 597 30 304
foreign visitors 301 621 189 888 7 807 4 871 76 240 22 815
Average cost of a guest night, kroons 433 (28) 495 (32) 440 (28) 366 (23) 350 (22) 361 (23)