The annual average monthly gross wages and salaries decreased for the first time during 16 years

Posted on 18 June 2010, 11:00
According to Statistics Estonia, in 2009, the average monthly gross wages and salaries were 12,264 kroons and the hourly gross wages and salaries were 75.11 kroons. Compared to 2008, the average monthly gross wages and salaries were by 5.0% lower and the average hourly gross wages and salaries were by 3.1% lower. Since 1993 the average monthly gross wages and salaries decreased for the first time compared to the previous year.

In the previous year, during the last 16 years, real wages (which took into account the influence of the change in the consumer price index) decreased for the first time (by 4.9%).

In 2009 compared to the previous year, the average monthly gross wages and salaries increased only in electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (7.0%) and decreased the most in construction (13.2%).

In 2009 compared to the previous year, the average hourly gross wages and salaries increased the most in electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (7.8%) and decreased the most in construction (9.8%).

In 2009, the employer’s average monthly labour costs per employee were 16,697 kroons and the average hourly labour costs were 114.65 kroons. Compared to 2008, the average monthly labour costs per employee and the average hourly labour costs decreased 4.1% and 1.7%, respectively.

In 2009, the average monthly labour costs per employee increased only in two economic activities — in electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (8.6%) and in information and communication (0.2%). The average monthly labour costs per employee decreased the most in construction (11.8%).

In 2009, the average hourly labour costs increased the most in electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (9.0%) and decreased the most in construction (7.6%).

In 2009, the average monthly gross wages and salaries in the public sector were 12,914 kroons and in the private sector 12,013 kroons. Compared to 2008, the average monthly gross wages and salaries decreased both in the public and private sector by 4.0% and 5.6%, respectively. At the end of 2009 compared to the end of 2008, the number of employees in the private sector decreased 13.4% and in the public sector 3.5%. Public sector also includes companies owned by the state and local government.

Statistics Estonia conducts the survey of wages and salaries statistics on the basis of international methodology since 1992. In 2009, the sample includes 11,263 enterprises, institutions and organisa­tions. The average monthly gross wages and salaries have been given in full time units to enable a comparison of different wages and salaries, irrespective of the length of working time. Calculations of the monthly gross wages and salaries are based on payments for actually worked time and remuner-ation for time not worked. The hourly gross wages and salaries do not include remuneration for time not worked (holiday leave pay, benefits, etc.). In short term statistics, the average gross wages and salaries are measured as a component of labour costs. Labour costs include gross wages and salaries, employer’s contributions and employer’s imputed social contributions to employees.

Average monthly gross wages and salaries,
1st quarter 2006 – 1st quarter 2010 (kroons)
  Year 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter
2006 9 407 8 591 9 531 9 068 10 212
2007 11 336 10 322 11 549 10 899 12 270
2008 12 912 12 337 13 306 12 512 13 117
2009 12 264 12 147 12 716 11 770 12 259
2010   11 865      


Average monthly gross wages and salaries and monthly labour costs per employee, 2009

Diagram: Average monthly gross wages and salaries and monthly labour costs per employee, 2009

Average hourly gross wages and salaries and hourly labour costs, 2009

Diagram: Average hourly gross wages and salaries and hourly labour costs, 2009

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