In April the number of tourists in accommodation establishments increased

Posted on 10 June 2010, 11:00

According to Statistics Estonia, in April 2010, 170,700 foreign and domestic tourists stayed in accommodation establishments, which was 13% more than in the same period of the previous year.

In April 115,300 foreign and 55,400 domestic tourists used the services of accommodation establishments, whose number increased 13% and 11%, respectively, compared to April of the previous year. Among the foreign tourists the most popular destination was Tallinn. In accommodation establishments of Tallinn, the number of tourists from Finland, Russia, Sweden, Germany and the United States increased compared to April of the previous year.

Unlike previous years, in April this year the number of domestic tourists also increased. Compared to April 2009, about 6,000 domestic tourists more used the services of accommodation establishments. A quarter of accommodated domestic tourists stayed in accommodation establishments of Tallinn and their number increased by 28% compared to April of the previous year.

In April, 769 accommodation establishments with 17,000 rooms and 37,000 beds were available for tourists. The room occupancy rate was 38%. The average cost of a guest night in an accommodation establishment was 426 kroons and it was 7% cheaper compared to April 2009. In an accommodation establishment of Tallinn, the average cost of a guest night was 478 kroons and it was 9% cheaper compared to April 2009.

Accommodation by regions, April 2010
Accommodation Total Northern
Accommodation establishments 769 164 50 72 220 263
Rooms 16 979 7 839 1 037 909 3 872 3 322
Beds 37 129 16 236 2 164 2 182 8 658 7 889
Room occupancy rate, % 38 46 33 18 39 25
Bed occupancy rate, % 30 38 29 15 30 17
Tourists accommodated 170 725 106 027 9 555 5 662 27 019 22 462
Nights spent 331 623 183 634 19 137 10 050 77 799 41 003
residents of Estonia 94 090 26 341 11 517 7 224 22 944 26 064
foreign visitors 237 533 157 293 7 620 2 826 54 855 14 939
Average cost of a guest night, kroons 426 471 399 370 373 348