In November the number of tourists in accommodation establishments decreased

Posted on 11 January 2010, 10:00

According to Statistics Estonia, in November 2009, 140,000 tourists stayed in accommodation establishments, which was 9% less than in the same month of the previous year.

Compared to November 2008, 14% domestic tourists and 6% foreign tourists less stayed in accommodation establishments. The number of tourists decreased by all major partner countries. The number of tourists from Russia, which had been in an upward trend throughout the year, decreased 5% in November.

Two thirds of accommodated foreign tourists arrived in Estonia for holidays, about a quarter were on a business trip and the rest had some other reason for visiting Estonia. 44% of Estonian residents using the services of accommodation establishments were on a holiday trip and 37% on a business trip.

28% of tourists using the services of accommodation establishments had chosen an accommodation establishment providing the services of health resorts. In November 39,000 tourists stayed in accommodation establishments providing the services of health resorts, which was 4% more than in November 2008. About a half of served tourists in accommodation establishments providing the services of health resorts were Estonian residents, one third come from Finland, 5% from Sweden and 4% from Russia.

In November 698 accommodation establishments with 16,600 rooms and 36,000 beds were available for tourists. The room occupancy rate was 33% and it was two percentage points less than in November 2008.

The average cost of a guest night in an accommodation establishment was 433 kroons, which was 66 kroons cheaper compared to November 2008.

Accommodation by regions, November 2009
Accommodation Total Northern
Accommodation establishments 698 156 49 62 198 233
Rooms 16 560 8 010 987 895 3 596 3 072
Beds 35 964 16 466 2 030 2 102 8 234 7 132
Room occupancy rate, % 33 37 32 20 32 24
Bed occupancy rate, % 24 28 27 15 24 16
Tourists accommodated 139 579 85 348 7 635 5 410 21 326 19 860
Nights spent 256 658 137 543 16 732 9 590 58 069 34 724
residents of Estonia 90 444 22 010 11 766 7 652 24 100 24 916
foreign visitors 166 214 115 533 4 966 1 938 33 969 9 808
Average cost of a guest night, kroons 433 506 437 397 313 355