In July the trade in machinery and equipment declined the most

Posted on 23 September 2009, 11:00

According to Statistics Estonia, in July 2009 exports of goods at current prices decreased 26% and imports 36% compared to the same period of the previous year. The decline in trade was announced in most commodity sections, the biggest decrease was in exports and imports of machinery and equipment.

In July 2009, exports of goods from Estonia totalled 8.1 billion kroons and imports to Estonia 9.5 billion kroons. The trade deficit amounted to 1.4 billion kroons, which was nearly three times less than in July of the previous year.

In July, petroleum products accounted for about 20%, machinery and equipment 19% and agricultural products and food preparations 10% of Estonian total exports. Exports of machinery and equipment declined the most compared to July of the previous year (0.9 billion kroons). Only the exports of mineral products increased.

In imports, among the commodity sections, the biggest share was also held by petroleum products (nearly a quarter of Estonia’s total imports), machinery and equipment (16%) and agricultural products and food preparations (13%). The biggest decrease was announced in the section of machinery and equipment (1.5 billion kroons).

In July, the main countries of destination of exports from Estonia were Finland (17% of the total exports), Russia (10%), Latvia (10%) and Sweden (10%). Compared to July of the previous year, the decrease was announced to all the main partner countries. The biggest decrease in exports was announced in exports to Finland, Russia and Sweden.

The main countries from where goods were imported to Estonia in July were Finland (16% of the total imports), Lithuania (13%) and Germany and Latvia (both 10%). Compared to July of the previous year, imports of goods declined from all main partner countries, the most from Germany, Sweden and Finland.

Compared to June 2009, exports of goods from Estonia decreased 14% and imports to Estonia 4%. It has to be taken into account that the turnover of trade was mainly influenced by the extraordinary trade in petroleum products.

The decrease in exports and imports is characteristic to all the EU countries in the first half-year of 2009. The average decline rate in EU countries was 23% in exports and 27% in imports compared to the first half-year of 2008. According to Eurostat, the trade of Finland, Sweden, Latvia and Lithuania in the first half-year of 2009 decreased more than a quarter compared to the same period of the previous year.

Estonia’s foreign trade, January–July, 2008–2009
Month Exports million kroons Imports, million kroons Balance, million kroons
2008 2009 change, %   2008 2009 change, % 2008 2009
January 10 155 7 251 -29 13 745 8 834 -36 -3 591 -1 583
February 10 679 7 789 -27 13 632 8 851 -35 -2 953 -1 063
March 10 652 8 285 -22 14 145 9 800 -31 -3 493 -1 514
April 12 338 7 677 -38 15 914 9 336 -41 -3 576 -1 659
May 11 555 8 094 -30 14 492 8 519 -41 -2 937 -425
June 10 863 9 431 -13 14 117 9 984 -29 -3 254 -553
July 10 972 8 128 -26 15 023 9 554 -36 -4 051 -1 426


Main foreign trade partners of Estonia, July 2009
Country of destination, group of
million kroons
Change compared to
same month of
previous year,
Country of consignment
, group of
million kroons


Change compared to
same month of
previous year,
Total 8 128 100 -26 Total 9 554 100 -36
EU27 5 590 69 -27 EU27 7 909 83 -35
CIS 1 088 13 -37 CIS 898 9 -45
1. Finland 1 376 17 -33 1. Finland 1 515 16 -26
2. Russia 825 10 -39 2. Lithuania 1 239 13 -27
3. Latvia 799 10 -30 3. Germany 973 10 -54
4. Sweden 785 10 -40 4. Latvia 953 10 -30
5. Germany 567 7 -1 5. Sweden 719 8 -46
6. Lithuania 403 5 -36 6. Poland 596 6 -23
7. United Arab Emirates 396 5 - 7. Russia 458 5 -42
8. Denmark 321 4 -2 8. Belarus 370 4 -34
9. United Kingdom 315 4 -4 9. Netherlands 324 3 -34
10. USA 307 4 -42 10. Denmark 277 3 -4


Exports and imports by commodity sections, July 2009
Commodity section by
Combined Nomenclature (CN)
Exports Imports Balance,
change compared to
same month
of previous year,
change compared to
same month of
previous year,
TOTAL 8 128 100 -26 9 554 100 -36 -1 426
Agricultural products and food preparations (I–IV) 816 10 -15 1 229 13 -17 -413
Mineral products (V) 1 600 20 29 2 290 24 -20 -690
Raw materials and products of chemical industry (VI) 513 6 -42 968 10 -15 -455
Articles of plastics and rubber (VII) 270 3 -20 527 6 -29 -257
Wood and products thereof (IX) 568 7 -37 253 3 -28 315
Paper and articles thereof (X) 271 3 -20 243 3 -18 28
Textiles and products thereof (XI) 310 4 -23 487 5 -28 -177
Metals and products thereof (XV) 739 9 -45 750 8 -59 -11
Machinery and equipment (XVI) 1 510 19 -37 1 565 16 -49 -55
Transport equipment (XVII) 447 5 -49 428 4 -72 19
Miscellaneous manufactured articles (XX) 603 8 -4 206 2 -36 397
Other 481 6 -27 608 6 -20 -127

The preliminary foreign trade data about July were released by Statistics Estonia on the 9th of September (on the 40th day after the end of the reference period). This news release provides the revised data and offers a more detailed overview of trade about the month under observation.