The number of foreign tourists in accommodation establishments increased

Posted on 10 March 2009, 10:00

According to Statistics Estonia, in January 2009, 62,000 foreign tourists used the services of accommodation establishments, which was 8% more than in the same month of the previous year.

In January compared to the same month of the previous year, significantly more tourists from Russia (37%) and Finland (11%) stayed in accommodation establishments. In December-January many tourists from Russia come to Estonia to see the New Year in. The number of tourists from Russia using the services of accommodation establishments is significantly larger in December-January than in summer, the high season of tourism. In January the share of Russian tourists in the total number of foreign tourists using the services of accommodation establishments accounted for one fifth. Compared to January of the previous year, the number of tourists from other main partner states of tourism — from Latvia, Sweden, Lithuania, the United Kingdom and Norway — decreased.

The using of accommodation services among the Estonian residents was not as popular as in January of the previous year. The number of Estonian residents using the services of accommodation establishments decreased by one fifth. The number of tourists on business trip decreased 29% and the number of tourists on holiday trip 5%.

In January 2009, the total of 112,000 tourists stayed in accommodation establishments. Compared to January of the previous year, the number of tourists decreased 6%. In January 717 accommodation establishments offered accommodation services for tourists. 16,200 rooms and 34,600 beds were available for tourists. The room occupancy rate was 27%, staying two percentage points lower than in January of the previous year. The average cost of a guest night in an accommodation establishment was 451 kroons, which was by 5 kroons more expensive compared to January 2008.

Accommodation by regions, Januar y 2009

Accommodation Total Northern
Accommodation establishments 717 156 53 69 195 244
Rooms 16 155 7 532 1 145 903 3 421 3 154
Beds 34 580 15 348 2 349 2 067 7 477 7 339
Room occupancy rate, % 27 32 30 15 20 24
Bed occupancy rate, % 21 26 24 12 16 18
Tourists accommodated 112 282 62 614 7 178 4 766 15 993 21 731
Nights spent 227 987 124 876 17 778 7 908 37 534 39 891
residents of Estonia 89 787 19 219 10 416 6 151 22 450 31 551
foreign visitors 138 200 105 657 7 362 1 757 15 084 8 340
Average cost of a guest night, kroons 451 525 412 426 309 378