In December the number of tourists in accommodation establishments decreased

Posted on 10 February 2009, 10:00

According to Statistics Estonia, in December 2008 148,000 tourists used the services of accommodation establishments, which was 12% less than in the same month of the previous year.

Compared to December 2007, the number of domestic and foreign tourists decreased (19% and 5%, respectively). The number of tourists from Russia and Sweden increased. In December about 11,000 tourists from Russia used the services of accommodation establishments of Estonia, which was one third more than in the same month of the previous year but about a thousand tourists less than in December 2006. 45% of accommodated tourists were Estonian residents, 30% came from Finland, 7% from Russia and 18% came from other countries. In December 658 accommodation establishments offered accommodation services for tourists. 16,200 rooms and 34,400 beds were available for tourists. The room occupancy rate was 32%. The average cost of a guest night in an accommodation establishment was 471 kroons.

In 2008, the total of 2.4 million tourists stayed in accommodation establishments. Compared to the previous year, the number of tourists did not change significantly. The number of foreign tourists increased 4% and the number of domestic tourists decreased 2%. The number of tourists from Russia increased most. In 2008 compared to 2007, 26,000 tourists more from Russia and 21,000 tourists more from Finland used the services of accommodation establishments. The number of tourists from the United Kingdom, Norway and Sweden decreased in accommodation establishments.

Accommodation by regions, December 2008

Accommodation Total


Accommodation establishments 658 148 49 55 184 222
Rooms 16 235 7 599 1 123 784 3 682 3 047
Beds 34 359 15 297 2 278 1 812 7 947 7 025
Room occupancy rate, % 32 37 28 21 31 23
Bed occupancy rate, % 26 32 25 16 25 18
Tourists accommodated 147 720 85 634 8 705 6 337 24 529 22 515
Nights spent 278 185 150 413 17 903 8 857 61 889 39 123
residents of Estonia 109 816 27 661 13 427 7 580 28 618 32 530
foreign visitors 168 369 122 752 4 476 1 277 33 271 6 593
Average cost of a guest night, kroons 471 550 442 392 361 371