Persons with higher education are more interested in culture

Posted on 16 January 2009, 10:00
According to Statistics Estonia, proceeding from the Estonian Adult Education Survey, the persons’ attendance of cultural institutions is dependent on their level of education.

Among persons aged 20–64, 94% of persons with higher education, 85% with secondary education and 69% with basic education attended cultural institutions in 2007. The most popular was to attend performing arts, followed by museum, library and cinema attendance. The least popular was to attend sports events. The percentage difference between persons with basic and higher education attending performing arts was about two times, between those attending museum and art exhibitions — two and a half times. The difference between persons with basic and higher education was the smallest among those attending sports events — only 10%.

Attending cultural institutions was more popular among younger people and it decreased with ageing. About 70% of persons aged less than 50 used to attend performing arts, among persons aged 50 and older the attendance decreased by nearly a tenth. The decrease was much bigger among persons attending cinema — 71% of persons aged 20–29 used to attend cinema, but this percentage fell by 20% with each next decade. Only 19% of persons aged 50–64 attended cinema.

According to the Estonian Adult Education Survey the persons’ interest in individual development goes hand in hand with general interest in culture. The interest in training was approximately 21% higher among persons who used to attend cultural institutions compared to those who were not interested in culture. The smallest difference (10%) was between persons who used to attend sports events and those who did not. In case of cinema, museum, but also performing arts’ attendance the difference was 26–28%.

Adult Education Survey is conducted by statistical organisations according to harmonized methodology in all European Union Member States. The survey includes persons aged 20–64 and its aim is to collect data on persons’ participation in training. Statistics Estonia has conducted the survey in 1997 and in 2007. The next survey will be conducted in 2011 and then after each five years.

Attendance of cultural institutions among persons aged 20–64, 2007