Children’s Subjective Well-Being in Local and International Perspectives

Posted on 27 August 2019, 8:00

ISBN 978-9985-74-623-3

Inglise keeles
Formaat B5. 105 lk
Ilmus: 27.08.2019

How do children perceive their well-being across the world and in Estonia? The publication focuses on children’s subjective well-being, collecting data from children and the value of qualitative data, children’s safety, family and school, and realisation of rights. The articles provide an overview of studying children’s subjective well-being as well as specific analyses of the data of children in Estonia and other countries


Laste subjektiivne heaolu kohalikus ja rahvusvahelises vaates

On 23 December, the phone line of Statistics Estonia’s customer support is open until 13:00. The phone line is closed on 24, 25 and 26 December. Happy holidays!