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Innovation refers to the launch of a new or significantly improved product or service or the introduction of a new business process. The aim of innovation is to create value and gain a competitive advantage, which will benefit the enterprise’s development and increase productivity, simultaneously contributing to economic growth. Product or process innovation can involve the application of new technological solutions, a new combination of existing technologies or the application of the knowledge available to the enterprise. However, innovation may not always result in the launch of a new
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The focus of the global goal “Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure” is infrastructure development, industrialisation and innovation, which are three important pillars of economic growth. If action in these areas is resilient, inclusive and sustainable, economic growth will support sustainable development. The 2030 Agenda targets include increasing the share of industry in employment and GDP; this indicator should double in the least developed countries. The agenda lays down improving access to financial services, raising efficiency in environmentally sound use of natural resources
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The aim of the innovation fund project is to create a framework for data interoperability between the private and public sectors. During the project, Statistics Estonia will analyse how to implement privacy enhancing technologies that would allow secure and much wider re-use of data between the private and public sectors.
Almost a half of Estonian enterprises are innovative
Kuupäev 18.04.2018
According to Statistics Estonia, 47.7% of Estonian enterprises were innovative in 2016. Industrial enterprises are the most active innovators.
European countries present their census results in an innovative information system
Kuupäev 08.12.2014
Today, on 8 December, a new information system Census Hub, presenting the results of the 2011 Population and Housing Census of the European Union Member States, is made publicly available by Eurostat.