ESMS metadata
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ESMS metadata
In today’s rapidly evolving and changing world, international cooperation is essential for the production, development and explanation of statistics. International cooperation takes place both globally and regionally. The aim of international cooperation is to: design and develop comparable statistics; adopt innovative methods; find new data sources The modernisation of statistical systems, the introduction of new data sources and processing methods makes statistical production more efficient and contributes to quality and user-friendly data. Statisticians and analysts need to decide on a
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Statistics Estonia shares with the public reliable and objective information on the environment, population, social life and economy of Estonia. We have an important role in the society: bringing numbers to life! Around 400 employees work every day to produce up-to-date statistical data and interpret these. The data on persons and the state help the government make forward-looking decisions.
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The people working at Statistics Estonia are trustworthy, friendly and open-minded employees who produce quality statistics. We value work–life balance as well as each employee’s
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What is official statistics? Official statistics are public information that reflect the social situation and changes in the society. Official statistics are produced on the basis of the Official Statistics Act and in accordance with the principles and quality criteria laid down in Regulation (EC) No 223/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council. The production of official statistics is guided by the needs of the society or the European Union statistical programme. The statistics are produced under the official statistical programme or as contract work outside the programme. Official
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ESMS ( Euro-SDMX Metadata Structure) metadata are based on the SDMX Cross-Domain Concepts. These concepts describe statistical processing, the presentation and quality of statistical information, and so on. The ESMS reference metadata are aimed at describing the statistics released by the European Statistical System.
Poverty fell among households with three or more children but grew among single parents
Kuupäev 08.11.2021
According to Statistics Estonia, 2.2% of the population of Estonia lived in absolute poverty and 20.6% lived at risk of poverty in 2020. Compared to 2019, both the share of people who lived at risk of poverty and who lived in absolute poverty fell by 0.1 percentage points.