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Employment rate at highest for 20 years
Kuupäev 14.11.2017
According to Statistics Estonia, in the 3rd quarter of 2017, the employment rate was 68.3%, the unemployment rate 5.2% and the labour force participation rate 72%. Compared to the 3rd quarter of 2016, the unemployment rate fell and the employment rate reached its highest level for 20 years.
Most of the crops have been harvested
Kuupäev 27.09.2016
According to Statistics Estonia, by 15 September, 91% of the sown area of cereals, 49% of the sown area of rape and turnip rape, and 50% of the area under potatoes had been harvested in Estonia.
What is the Agricultural Census? The Agricultural Census is conducted every ten years in most countries of the world and in all European Union countries. As a result of the census, ministries, European Union institutions, research institutions and farmers receive the necessary input for decision-making in the field of agriculture and know which issues require more attention and funding. In 2020, the seventh agricultural census takes place in Estonia. What is asked in the Agricultural Census? In the Agricultural Census, basic information about managing the holding, land use and the number of
Emigration from Estonia decreased last year
Kuupäev 22.05.2015
According to Statistics Estonia, 4,637 persons emigrated from Estonia and 3,904 persons immigrated to Estonia in 2014. The volume of emigration was 30% smaller than in the previous three years.
Presentation of the most thorough book on the Estonian population
Kuupäev 29.12.2011
Today, on 29 December, Professor Emeritus Ene-Margit Tiit, the Head of Methodology of the 2011 Population and Housing Census, presents her latest book “Eesti rahvastik. Viis põlvkonda ja kümme loendust” (The Estonian Population: Five Generations and Ten Censuses). The presentation starts at 13:00 at the Rahva Raamat bookstore in the Viru Keskus shopping centre.
Estonia is an attractive destination for highly educated immigrants
Kuupäev 12.08.2022
During the population and housing census, information on the highest level of education attained by inhabitants of Estonia was also gathered. Collected data revealed that the educational attainment of the population continues to rise. The level of education of foreigners living in here has also increased significantly. Below we will take a closer look at the educational attainment of the native Estonian- and Russian-speaking population as well as that of other mother tongue speakers and see how it has changed since the previous censuses.
The journal Akadeemia erects a monument to the 7 billion people on Earth
Kuupäev 09.12.2011
Today, on 9 December, at 15:00, the journal Akadeemia will present its latest issue at club Atlantis in Tartu. The launch of the issue, which is dedicated to the coming population census, will begin on the bank of the River Emajõgi where, just for one evening, the monument celebrating the birth of Tartu’s one hundred thousandth citizen will be turned into a monument to the seven billion people of the Earth.
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