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The service sector is an important part of the economy in Estonia. The share of value added and turnover of service enterprises continues to increase every year. More and more new enterprises and jobs are created in the sector. The activities of the service sector are, for example, healthcare services, regulation of education, accommodation and food service, entertainment and cultural activities, logistics, advertising, communications and beauty services. Statistics Estonia publishes statistics on the turnover and costs of service enterprises operating in Estonia. The statistics allow
In the second quarter, the average wages and salaries were 1,873 euros, median wages 1,524 euros
Kuupäev 25.08.2023
According to Statistics Estonia, the average monthly gross wages and salaries in the second quarter of 2023 were 1,873 euros, which is 12.4% higher than in the same quarter last year. The median wages were 1,524 euros in the second quarter this year.
In the fourth quarter, the economy contracted by 1.2%
Kuupäev 01.03.2021
According to Statistics Estonia, in the fourth quarter of 2020, the gross domestic product (GDP) decreased by 1.2% year on year, and the GDP at current prices was 7.3 billion euros. In 2020 as a whole, the Estonian economy shrank by 2.9%.
Wage growth continued in the first quarter
Kuupäev 27.05.2022
According to Statistics Estonia, in the first quarter of 2022, the average monthly gross wages and salaries were 1,593 euros, which is 8.1% more than at the same time last year.
Record year in tourism last year
Kuupäev 11.06.2018
2017 was a record year in world tourism. More foreign tourists visited Estonia than in any of the previous years. 3.5 million domestic and foreign tourists stayed in Estonian accommodation establishments. There were 7% more tourists in accommodation establishments than a year earlier, including 9% more domestic tourists and 5% more foreign tourists. Of those staying in accommodation establishments, by country of residence, the number of Estonian residents increased the most, and of foreign tourists, more tourists arrived from Russia and Latvia. The total number of domestic and foreign tourists who stayed in accommodation establishments set a new record already for the eighth consecutive year.
In the second quarter, the average wages and salaries were 1,693 euros
Kuupäev 25.08.2022
According to Statistics Estonia, in the 2nd quarter of 2022, the average monthly gross wages and salaries were 1,693 euros, which is 10.1% more than at the same time last year.
The majority of enterprises use information and communication technology (ICT) security measures
Kuupäev 19.09.2019
According to Statistics Estonia, in 2019, 90% of households had internet connection at home and it is used daily or almost daily by 98% of 16–44-year-olds. Enterprises contribute increasingly to improving their ICT security measures and policies.
Last year, average wages and salaries increased in all counties
Kuupäev 03.03.2020
According to Statistics Estonia, in 2019, the average monthly gross wages and salaries of Estonian enterprises, institutions and organisations were 1,407 euros, i.e. 7.4% higher than in 2018. The average monthly gross wages and salaries were higher in the second and fourth quarters.
In 2021, average monthly gross wages and salaries rose by 6.9%
Kuupäev 03.03.2022
According to Statistics Estonia, in 2021, the average monthly gross wages and salaries in the enterprises, institutions and organisations of Estonia were 1,548 euros, which is 6.9% more than in 2020. Wage growth recovered following a slowdown in 2020 and reached the pre-pandemic level.