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Last year, there were fewer unemployed persons, but the duration of unemployment increased
Kuupäev 15.02.2022
According to Statistics Estonia, in 2021, the labour force participation rate was 71.1%, the employment rate was 66.7%, and the unemployment rate was 6.2%. There were 43,100 unemployed persons, which is 4,800 less than in 2020.
Number of unemployed persons fell in the third quarter, but rose compared with the previous year
Kuupäev 15.11.2022
According to Statistics Estonia, in the third quarter of 2022, the labour force participation rate was 73.7%, the employment rate was 69.5%, and the unemployment rate was 5.6%.
Last year, every fifth person lived in relative poverty
Kuupäev 18.12.2017
According to Statistics Estonia, 21.1% of the Estonian population, i.e. nearly 276,000 persons lived in relative poverty in 2016. The percentage of people living in relative poverty decreased 0.6 percentage points compared to the previous year.
Unemployment up by nearly 5,000 persons in the third quarter
Kuupäev 13.11.2020
According to Statistics Estonia, in the third quarter of 2020, the labour force participation rate was 71.8%, the employment rate was 66.3%, and the unemployment rate was 7.7%. There were 54,300 unemployed persons, which is 4,900 more than in the second quarter of the year.
Return of foreign tourists increased the number of persons who stayed overnight in accommodation establishments
Kuupäev 08.06.2022
According to Statistics Estonia, in April 2022, Estonian accommodation establishments served nearly 236,000 tourists, which is 300% more than in April last year. The numbers of domestic tourists and foreign tourists* both increased.
The number of unemployed persons is falling in Estonia
Kuupäev 15.05.2019
According to Statistics Estonia, in the 1st quarter of 2019, the labour force participation rate was 70.8%, the employment rate 67.5% and the unemployment rate 4.7%. The labour force participation rate and the employment rate remained at a similar level compared to the same quarter of the previous year. The unemployment rate, however, decreased by 2.1 percentage points.
Older persons are becoming more active in the labour market
Kuupäev 14.11.2018
According to Statistics Estonia, in the 3rd quarter of 2018, the unemployment rate was 5.2%, the employment rate was 68.2% and the labour force participation rate was 72%. The unemployment rate remained low and is similar to that of economic boom years. The employment rate and the labour force participation are even higher than during the boom years. Employment of older persons is at a record high.
Every fifth person in Estonia lived in relative poverty in 2014
Kuupäev 16.02.2016
According to Statistics Estonia, in 2014, 21.6% of the Estonian population lived in relative poverty and 6.3% in absolute poverty. The overall percentage of people living in relative poverty decreased 0.5 percentage points compared to the previous year, the percentage of people living in absolute poverty decreased 1.7 percentage points.
Social Integration of Disabled Persons
Kuupäev 29.12.2014
ISBN 978-9985-74-547-2 Kakskeelne: eesti ja inglise Formaat B5. 180 lk Ilmus: 29.12.2014 Kogumik hõlmab puudega inimeste lõimumist nii kooli- kui ka tööelus. Analüüsitakse puudega inimeste materiaalseid võimalusi ja elatustaset ning selle mõju integratsioonile. Vaadeldakse puudega inimeste terviseseisundit ning vaba aja kasutamise võimalusi jms. Sisukord Puude kontseptuaalne käsitlus Tegevuspiiranguga rahvastiku käsitluste areng Tegevuspiiranguga elanike üldiseloomustus Tegevuspiiranguga inimeste leibkondade koosseis ja elamistingimused Puudega inimeste sotsiaalhoolekanne Tegevuspiiranguga