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The procedure of logging into the research work environment will become ID-card based
Kuupäev 08.11.2022
In order to increase the security of access to the research work environment, Statistics Estonia will make the identification of researchers working remotely with data ID-card based. From 8 January 2023, it will no longer be possible to access the research work environment with a password only.
Statistics Estonia’s electronic data submission environment upgraded
Kuupäev 04.06.2018
In June, Statistics Estonia’s electronic data collection channel eSTAT was upgraded with a long-awaited and more consumer-friendly user interface. Data submission in the upgraded environment is easier and the channel itself is more user-friendly.
ESMS metadata
Hunting can regulate the abundance of animals, preserve the diversity and viability of species. It helps to make game resistant and less susceptible to disease and other threats. This in turn makes it possible to increase the social and economic importance of hunting in rural areas. Hunting statistics are compiled by the Environment Agency, which publishes the following data: game hunting by species and county; damage caused by game. Based on hunting statistics, it is possible to develop and monitor the field of hunting, assess progress towards national targets and conduct research.
The green economy seeks a balance between human needs and the conservation of natural resources. More energy and material-efficient production, protecting the environment, manufacturing products with higher value-added as well as eco-design should ensure that human activities are more compatible with the nature's cycles and not a burden on nature. Green economy statistics provide an overview of the environmental goods and services sector’s output; exports; employment; value added; share in total economy. Based on statistics, the state can decide how to manage resources sustainably.
Perking up of the economic environment increased significantly the energy production
Kuupäev 13.09.2011
According to Statistics Estonia, in 2010, the production of electricity of Estonian power stations totalled nearly 13,000 gigawatt-hours, which is about a half more than a year earlier. The production of other types of fuels also increased.
N.B. The questionnaire can be completed in the new self-service environment. Go to the new self-service