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Biodiversity (biological diversity) is a common good, which needs to be carefully preserved. The protection and sustainable use of ecosystems and species contribute to reducing environmental pressure and natural disasters. Healthy and coherent ecosystems also mitigate the effects of global warming. One of the global sustainable development goals is to reduce the degradation of natural habitats and halt the loss of biodiversity. Statistics Estonia publishes the following information on biodiversity, its protection and land use: ecosystem extent; nature protection and relevant expenditures; land
Employers are responsible for ensuring their employees safety at work. Nevertheless, accidents happen and employees might suffer injuries. In the worst case, an accident can be fatal. Statistics on registered accidents at work is provided by Labour Inspectorate. Their statistics provide following data. Number of registered accidents at work by economic activity and county Number of fatal accidents at work The increase in the number of accidents at work partially indicates that more accidents are reported. However, many accidents, primarily minor ones, are still not officially registered. In
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Statistics Estonia has awarded the young statistician’s prize named after Albert Pullerits since 2011. Albert Pullerits (1892–1967) was the first director of the Estonian State Central Bureau of Statistics and the founder and developer of official statistics in Estonia. The prize is given to a student whose Bachelor's or Master's thesis in the area of population, social life, economy or the environment applies or develops a statistical method. The aim of Albert Pullerits prize is to recognise young people who help to promote statistics as an important branch of science; to motivate young
Each person in Estonia has the right to live in a healthy environment and make healthy choices. The healthier we are, the longer we lead fulfilling lives and the greater is our life expectancy. Health has a significant impact on coping with everyday life, on the social and economic contribution to a country’s development and overall success of a country. In 1948, the World Health Organization defined ‘health’ as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. According to the Constitution of Estonia, protection of one’s health is
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Estonia's air is among the cleanest in the world. However, we also have air pollution. Polluted air is a considerable environmental threat to human health. Most harmful are tiny particles from vehicle emissions, combustion processes and chemical reactions in the atmosphere. Statistics provide an overview of air emissions in Estonia and their origin, for example emissions of chemical and organic compounds and fine particles; emissions of gases caused by acid rain. The data on air pollutant emissions are used when drawing up development and action plans and for monitoring air quality.
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We serve as the reliable home of national data and give meaning and value to data. We help people understand the world better through data. Our new combined mission and vision statement above reflects Statistics Estonia’s main responsibilities: ensure the quality of data on the national level consistently provide relevant, reliable, and meaningful information. As the main data competence centre in Estonia, Statistics Estonia is also responsible for coordinating the system of classifications and for data governance in the country. Official statistics is in accordance with international
Estonian residents live more years in good health
Kuupäev 28.06.2023
According to Statistics Estonia, in 2022, life expectancy at birth was 78.1 years in Estonia. Male life expectancy was 73.6 years and female life expectancy was 82.3 years. Men live disability-free for 57.9 years and women for 60.6 years.