Breadcrumb Home Data publication: D27749 Statistical database update 17. January 2025 Economy - Economic units - Enterprises All data for the period, 2024 ER22: Enterprises in the statistical profile by number of employees ER23: Enterprises in the statistical profile by type of owner ER021: Enterprises in the statistical profile by economic activity (EMTAK 2008) ER025: Enterprises in the statistical profile by number of employees and econom… ER026: terprises in the statistical profile by type of owner and economic activ… ER029: Statistilisse profiili kuuluvad ettevõtted õigusliku vormi ja tegevusala… ER024: Enterprises in the statistical profile by type of owner and county ER028: Enterprises in the statistical profile by county and number of employees ER030: Enterprises in the statistical profile by legal form and county ER032: Enterprises in the statistical profile by administrative unit and number… ER0270: Enterprises in the statistical profile by county and economic activity … ER0309: Enterprises in the statistical profile by administrative unit and econo…