In February, the industrial producer price index was affected the most by the rising price of electricity

Posted on 20 March 2025, 8:00

The producer price index of industrial output, which expresses changes in the producer prices of industrial goods manufactured in Estonia for the domestic market and for export, increased by 3.3% in February 2025 compared with January and by 6.1% compared with February last year.

Eveli Šokman, team lead of producer price statistics at Statistics Estonia, said that, compared with February 2024, the producer price index was most affected by price increases in electricity production, in the manufacture of wood and wood products, and the manufacture of food products. “Falling prices in the manufacture of fabricated metal products, paper and paper products, and furniture had the opposite effect on the index. Producer prices increased by 2.3% in manufacturing as a whole and by 2.9% in the manufacture of food products,” Šokman added.

Compared with January, the producer price index in February was affected the most by price increases in electricity and heat energy production, in the manufacture of wood and wood products, and the manufacture of food products. The index was also influenced by falling prices in the repair of machinery and equipment and in the manufacture of fabricated metal products.

In February, the export price index rose by 1.9% compared with January. The biggest price increases were recorded for electricity, mining and quarrying, and wood products. Prices fell the most for wearing apparel, petroleum products, and fabricated metal products. Compared with February 2024, the export price index was up by 8.1%.

The import price index rose by 2.9% in February compared with January. The largest increases were seen in the prices of electricity, furniture, and metals. Prices decreased the most for paper and paper products, motor vehicles, and agricultural products. Compared with February 2024, the import price index was up by 6.4%.

Producer price index of industrial output, export price index and import price index (2010 = 100)

Statistics Estonia collects and analyses data for the producer price index of industrial output, export price index and import price index for the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, to understand how the Estonian economy is doing.

See also the prices section on our website. More detailed data have been published in the statistical database.

When using Statistics Estonia’s data and graphs, please indicate the source.

For further information:

Susann Kivi
Communications Partner
Marketing and Dissemination Department
Statistics Estonia
Tel +372 5696 6484
press [at] (press[at]stat[dot]ee)

Photo: Shutterstock