Breadcrumb Home Application for the use of confidential data for scientific purposes Application for the use of confidential data for scientific purposes Name of legal person or organisation Registry code Title of research Research objective Link to research in research portal (URL) Ethics committee and/or the Data Protection Inspectorate permission Yes No Requested data (statistical activity / survey / list of data) Data from other sources Indicate other datasets that you intend to use during the analysis. Research publication method Uurimistöös andmeid kasutada soovivad isikud: List of persons wishing to use the data for research: Name Personal ID code E-mail Signed by: Name Job title Start date of data use End date of data use Additional information CAPTCHA * The data are provided in csv format. * If it is necessary to use a prepared software source code (e.g. R code), please specify the date of its submission under “Additional information”.