In February the number of tourists increased

Posted on 9 April 2010, 11:00

According to Statistics Estonia, in February 2010, 124,000 foreign and domestic tourists stayed in accommodation establishments, which was 2% more than year earlier in the same period.

In February 69,000 foreign tourists stayed in accommodation establishments, which was 9% more than in February of the previous year. Against the comparison of all February months of last ten years, the number of foreign tourists remained smaller than the respective indicator of 2008, when 72,000 foreign tourists used the services of accommodation establishments. In February compared to the previous year, more tourists came from Russia, Finland, Germany and Sweden. Tallinn was continually a popular destination for foreign tourists and 78% of foreign tourists used the accommodation services in the capita city.

The using of accommodation services among the Estonian residents was not as popular as in February of the previous year. 54,000 domestic tourists stayed in accommodation establishments, which is the lowest number in the last five years. About one fifth of the domestic tourists stayed in accommodation establishments of Tallinn, 14% in Valga county and 13% in Pärnu city and county.

In February 746 accommodation establishments with 16,300 rooms and 35,500 beds were available for tourists. The room occupancy rate was 30% and it was one percentage points more than in February 2009.

The average cost of a guest night is still downwards. The average cost of a guest night in an accommodation establishment was 399 kroons and it was 31 kroons cheaper compared to February 2009. The average cost of a guest night was 474 kroons in accommodation establishments of Tallinn, 286 kroons in Pärnu city and county and 398 kroons in Valga county.

Accommodation by regions, February 2010
Accommodation Total Northern
Accommodation establishments 746 163 48 68 197 270
Rooms 16 294 8 006 961 858 3 208 3 261
Beds 35 546 16 412 1 955 2 057 7 312 7 810
Room occupancy rate, % 30 33 29 21 33 26
Bed occupancy rate, % 24 27 26 17 23 19
Tourists accommodated 123 691 68 972 6 550 5 710 18 209 24 250
Nights spent 236 069 122 209 14 363 9 880 47 881 41 736
residents of Estonia 88 357 19 983 9 231 7 622 21 088 30 433
foreign visitors 147 712 102 226 5 132 2 258 26 793 11 303
Average cost of a guest night, kroons 399 459 393 368 287 358